Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dr. Richard Kimble

Hot tipper Chavez had an exciting bus experience on the #12 today,  right out of the movies:

 "On bus and man got on from hospital - in his gown with IV still intact", she excitedly texts me. "Seriously no one talked to him...we all acted normal in fear, think he was drunk!".

I like to imagine he is a man wrongly accused of a heinous crime and running from the law, 'The Fugitive' style.

Anyway, Chavez would have liked to snap a picture for us, but said she was too grossed out by the bloody I have supplied my own photo.


Chavez said...

He did have a beard; I like your version better than the real one anyways!

Liz Elkins said...

Ha, thanks for the update.