Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I know, nobody made me in charge on the bus, but that doesn't mean I can't voice my opinion on what food I feel is appropriate to consume while riding. If you are really hungry and just can't wait, my advice would be to indulge in foods that are a) Not Crunchy and b) Non Fragrant.  For example, apples and potato chips are no good (the noise is disturbing to other passengers) .  Also on the 'no' list are fried chicken, MacDonald's and other fast foods.  Obviously, seafood is out of the question.

Why don't you have a seat on a sunny park bench and enjoy your Double Down so we can all ride the bus without getting nauseous.


JD said...

No Cheetohs or Doritos or anything else that will tempt one to lick their filthy digits.

Milo Bello said...

same goes for the subway, where once I saw a woman eating corn on the cob smothered in rank-smelling butter. and she worked for the MTA!

kathy said...

I agree, airplanes also need some kind of rule