Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Elderly/Handicapped Seating

Today on facebook my friend Lindsey who is 8 months pregnant posted the following while riding the 15:

"All men under the age of 40 sitting in the 6 seats reserved for the elderly and persons with a disability...".

This really grinds my gears.  Although it does get annoying having to move for the elderly all the time.


Owen Barclay Clibborn said...

For the record, not that it should matter, I'm 8-1/2 months pregnant. Thanks Liz, for having my back. It was the icing on the cake after I had been rushed past as the bus doors opened, by people who wanted to get on first and snag a seat. My rushing days were over about 2 months ago. No one wants to see a waddler run.

Liz Elkins said...

Those people are so rude. A ride on the bus really makes you think about everything that's wrong with this country.